
King Tet
King Tet® Productions, Ltd.
5429 Escarchosa Lane
San Diego, CA 92124
Premium Audio Restoration
Services since 1997
Eric Van der Wyk - owner
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Phone: 858-346-1520
Business Hours:
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm PST/PDT
Sat 9am-2pm
Premium Quality, Fast Turnarounds, Personal Attention
Skype Me™!

Calling from Florida?
Please call: 727-466-4556
Mon-Fri 12pm-8pm EST/EDT
Sat 12pm-5pm

Calling from the New York area?
Please call: 212-247-5949
Mon-Fri 12pm-8pm EST/EDT
Sat 12pm-5pm

Calling from Texas?
Please Call: 512-782-8217
Mon-Fri 11am-7pm CST/CDT
Sat 11am-4pm

Calling from Los Angeles?
Please Call: 818-381-4208
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm PST/PDT
Sat 9apm-2pm

Calling from San Francisco?
Please Call: 415-508-5838
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm PST/PDT
Sat 9am-2pm

Calling from Illinois?
Please Call: 312-546-4636
Mon-Fri 11am-7pm EST/EDT
Sat 11am-4pm

Every job is a custom job! Please do not send your tapes without contacting us first about your order.
Your complete satisfaction is our goal and we are ready to follow your instructions.
After hours? Please leave voice mail. Find us on Facebook!
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Eric Van der Wyk is a division of King Tet® Productions, Ltd. King Tet® is a registered Trade Mark - All Rights Reserved - Copyright ©1997-2013